Welcome to techUKs National Security Week #NatSec2023

From: techUK
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023

This week, techUK is showcasing pioneering work across the technology sector which has the power to contribute to and transform UK national security and techUK's members thought leadership on this.

Throughout the week, we will explore some of the key themes around how the UK can strengthen national security through the use of technology, what the current threat landscape looks like and whilst looking ahead, what future threats we could envisage.

You can read the latest news and insights below, and if you have made a submission, make sure to share your contribution via social media using #NatSec2023

Monday - Countering Terrorism with Technology

Tuesday - The Criticality of Data

Wednesday - Innovation in National Security

Thursday - Threats in a Virtual World

Friday - Looking ahead at emerging threats

Insights will be announced on the day and linked here. You can keep up to date with the latest views on our LinkedIn and Twitter @techUK

Company: techUK

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