The techUK Health and Social Care team have been busy finalising our plans for 2023 and are excited to provide members with an overview of our priorities!
The techUK Health and Social Care team have been busy finalising our plans for 2023 and are excited to provide members with an overview of our priorities! Continuing to use techUK's Ten Point Plan for Healthtech as a framework for our aims, we will be focusing on six core areas:
- Regional Engagement
- Procurement and Commercial
- Driving digital transformation in Social Care
- Interoperability
- Life sciences
- Policy
You can download our plans for 2023 here:
Our regional engagement work will continue to focus on engaging with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) across the UK, providing a forum in which members can interact with NHS decision-makers and providing tailored market insights. We'll also be strengthening our relationship with the health and care systems in the devolved nations!
The commercial and procurement workstream will focus on creating a new community of practice, fostering collaboration & providing an opportunity to hear from members about the challenges they see in the space, as well as understand what needs to be done to streamline it.
Our social care activity will continue to be led by our Social Care Working Group, building on the priorities set last year. We will continue to promote techUK's Innovation Hub, showcasing members bringing innovation into the sector and highlighting their work to decision-makers.
Our interoperability work will also be led by our newly formed working group building on the work of our previous working group and explore new and emerging opportunities. The group will act as a central platform bringing industry together to help us achieve the vision set out in NHS England's 2022 draft standards and interoperability strategy. Don't forget, nominations to join the group close this Friday!
The programme will also continue to explore digital innovation in the life sciences sector, aiming to build collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and digital health community. The implementation of the Data saves lives strategy and new initiatives such as Secure Data Environments will form a key focus of this work.
Finally, we will also look to continue with our policy and advocacy work, responding to key consultations and engaging with members on upcoming final strategies to formulate strong industry positions.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions!