UK telecoms regulator, Ofcom, has recently published its conclusions from the Meeting future demand for mobile data' & Future approach to mobile markets' consultations, setting out its future regulatory approach to mobile markets and spectrum.
The 60-page conclusions paper includes Ofcom's stance on competition and mobile consolidation, its position on the future of the 6 GHz band, and the role of innovation as key driver of positive outcomes for mobile consumers.
There is detailed information related to each policy outcome. Below is a summary of key conclusions:
The conclusions paper recognises the importance of MNOs in delivering the UK's rising demand for mobile data, with this growth expected to continue. It points to a wide range of approaches to deliver more capacity to meet this demand, including technology upgrades; making more extensive use of existing spectrum holdings; and small cell deployment and densification.
However, it highlights: Significant investment in mobile networks will be required to increase capacity and provide the network quality needed to meet future customer needs.
Ofcom's paper details several steps to clarify their future regulatory approach to markets and the allocation of spectrum, in order to provide greater certainty to encourage investment, which is something techUK has long called for.
It is also promising that the paper recognises changes in mobile markets and the increasing role of new participants, such as cloud providers, neutral hosts, tower companies among others.
It is important to understand the role that mobile connectivity plays in a wider ecosystem of increasingly integrated connectivity types that will serve consumer and business needs. There is great potential for further evolution of the value chain and overall innovation across the entire telecom's ecosystem, leading to positive outcomes to mobile customers.
Better information and competition to deliver positive outcomes
Ofcom's priority in the years ahead is to establish well-functioning mobile markets that deliver the following outcomes:
- good service quality; value for money; choice
- widespread network coverage
- innovation and investment in new technologies and networks
- support for vulnerable customers, including those who are financially vulnerable
It notes that a well-functioning mobile market is based on two elements: competition, and well-informed customers.
To ensure that competition continues to have a positive impact on the market, Ofcom will step up its work in monitoring markets as they evolve over time.
The regulator confirmed that any future merger in the mobile market will be informed by the specific circumstances of the merger, and not just on the number of rival operators.
Ofcom will also consider where and when extra spectrum many be needed, with other competing uses considered when making future spectrum management decisions.
As for the second element, Ofcom will develop better information on network quality, to inform their own line of work but also to help customers make better decisions about which provider they use, which should in turn encourage providers to better meet customers' needs on quality.
techUK supports the development of this work.
Futuer spectrum allocation: 6 GHz band and other frequencies
Alongside its conclusions paper, Ofcom has released a separate document with its position on the future of the upper 6 GHz and whether the band should be allocated to cellular or Wi-Fi.
The next World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC) in 2023 will consider a possible IMT identification at 6425-7025 MHz in Europe, Africa and Middle East. IMT is ITU terminology for harmonised mobile allocation.
Based on the balance of risks and opportunities, we currently favour a no change' outcome to the upper 6 GHz band in discussions at WRC-23, which will provide flexibility to respond to future market and industry developments, said Ofcom in a statement.
However, Ofcom said the decision will not preclude them from making the band available for licensed mobile use in the future.
Beyond the forthcoming award of 26 GHz band and 1.4 GHz, Ofcom said that it is unlikely that additional spectrum could be made available for such use before the end of the decade.
However it noted: "We remain open minded [on] options for additional spectrum for mobile use, if needed. This includes looking at upper 6GHz band & bands in 7-24GHz range for existing and new (including 6G) applications. Any options may not necessarily involve nationwide licences"