New techUK Intelligent Mobility and Transport Chair and Vice-Chair appointed

From: techUK
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022

Congratulations to Phil Evans, Market Development Director, Transport, Capita and Liz James, Senior Security Consultant, NCC Group.

Following recent elections, we are pleased to announce that the new Chair and Vice-Chair of techUK's Intelligent Mobility and Transport steering board have been confirmed. Phil Evans, Market Development Director, Transport, Capita will take up the position of Chair, and Liz James, Senior Security Consultant, NCC will serve as Vice-Chair.

The Board provides the strategic direction for all techUK activities related to transport. Under Phil and Liz's leadership the transport programme will refresh its vision for the future of mobility at an exciting time for the industry.

Through delivering on its value proposition to members, the programme will take a holistic view of the transport sector and provide insight for how technology helps decarbonise mobility, deliver better experiences for customers and drives greater efficiencies.

Critically, the programme will drive the Government to clear asks on what the industry needs in terms of legislation, regulation and skills to meet these ambitions.

I'm delighted to be selected as Chair of the Intelligent Transport and Mobility Steering Board. I'm passionate about the role that new technologies, innovation and digital transformation can bring to the transport sector to deliver better customer outcomes. I look forward to leading the steering board and working closely with techUK's members, the Government and our engagement with industry to focus on the sector's priorities and key challenges.

Elected Chair: Phil Evans, Market Development Director, Transport,


I hope that I am able to meet and then to exceed everyone's expectations in my role as Vice-chair of the Intelligent Transport and Mobility Steering Board. The possibilities in and around the Intelligent Transport and Mobility space has been one of the motivating factors behind my gradual journey from physics, toward an engineering background only to find my niche in consultancy. It is a fantastic opportunity to help deliver on our visions of the future by building alignment and consensus between the three pillars of innovation: Government, Academia and Industry.

Elected Vice- Chair: Dr Liz James, Senior Security Consultant,

NCC Group

More broadly, the transport programme will continue to serve as an open forum for discussion, promote the facilitation of new ideas, showcase best practice and foster collaboration across the transport technology landscape.

If you would like to participate in the programme then please get in touch with Ashley Feldman, Programme Manager for Transport and Smart Cites,

Company: techUK

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