Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to enter your chosen career, and help you develop the knowledge, skills and experience you need to progress in your role.
Rachel, Laura and Lisa have experienced apprenticeships in care services at Hertfordshire County Council. Hear from their experiences in developing their careers through apprenticeships.
Rachel, Laura and Lisa are former and current apprentices at Hertfordshire County Council.
Rachel, Deputy Manager at Hertfordshire County Council
What apprenticeships have you done and why did you decide to do an apprenticeship?
I've completed the level 2, 3 and 5 adult social care apprenticeships because I wanted to further my career and professionally develop whilst within my role. I thoroughly enjoyed the learning, which I wouldn't have necessarily ever delved into had it not been for the apprenticeship.
What would you say to people thinking about doing an apprenticeship?
I learnt a great deal from the apprenticeships I have been on and would encourage others to do the same should they wish to develop their skills, knowledge, and confidence in whichever sector they're working in.
Laura, Student Social Worker at Hertfordshire County Council
What apprenticeship are you doing?
I started my career in social work through a level 2 apprenticeship. I am currently completing my social work degree through an apprenticeship.
Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship?
Being able to complete a degree whilst remaining in my role is a huge opportunity and it has enabled me to develop my understanding with opportunities to progress in my career.
What have the highlights been so far?
My first apprenticeship enabled me to get into social work and I learned that social work was what I wanted to do for my career. Having the opportunity to experience different aspects of social work through the placements has been extremely valuable, I would not have had the chance to experience these teams without the apprenticeship.
Lisa, Social Worker at Hertfordshire County Council
What apprenticeship have you done and why did you decide to do an apprenticeship?
l have completed level 2 and 4 apprenticeships in adult social care and I hope to progress to the level 5 leader in adult care apprenticeship this year. I wanted to develop practice-based skills, increase my experience working in various settings and learn whilst working.
How has an apprenticeship helped you?
The apprenticeship process has and will continue to support me within the workplace, providing me with the essential knowledge to fulfil my role. I feel it has enabled me to reflect and review my way of working, and supported me to feel more confident. I would always recommend it as it is a great opportunity and opens doors for growth within your career.