The Welsh Revenue Authority publishes first National Statistics

From: Welsh Government
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022

The Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) has published official statistics designated as National Statistics' for the first time today (17 February 2022).

The Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) has assessed and judged that the WRA's official statistics should be designated as National Statistics'. The recognition comes as the WRA publishes its latest quarterly Landfill Disposals Tax statistics for October to December 2021 today.

The WRA has published official statistics on Land Transaction Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax since it started collecting and managing both taxes in April 2018.

To be designated as National Statistics, the OSR must assess and judge that the official statistics comply with the Code of Practice for Statistics. That means the statistics meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and value.

In its assessment, the OSR reported that confidence and trust in the statistics are high due to a comprehensive approach to quality assurance, which includes evolving plans for data assurance that meets with the widening needs of its users.

Ed Humpherson, Director General for Regulation at the OSR, said:

I am delighted to announce National Statistics status for the WRA's statistics, which demonstrate the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and value. The WRA's active engagement with key users and continuous efforts to improve the public's understanding and accessibility to the statistics are examples of best practice.

Adam Al-Nuaimi, Head of Data Analysis at the WRA, said:

I'm proud that our statistics have been designated as National Statistics after several months of close working with the OSR. It's testament to the dedication and professionalism of the team as well as support from partner organisations.

The designation means current users of these statistics can be confident in the data. With no changes required to earn the designation, anyone who has previously used our statistics can also share the same confidence in our data.

WRA official statistics are available to view under statistics and research on GOV.WALES

Company: Welsh Government

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