The Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism has responded to tourism figures published today.
The Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism, said:
“Figures published today give a picture of overnight stays to Wales from the UK domestic market - which is Wales main source of visitors.
“It is excellent news that between April to December 2021 and 2022 there was an increase of 13% in volume of trips taken in Wales and an increase of 35% in spend in the same period in 2022. There has been an increase in spend per trip across all GB nations which will of course partly driven by higher costs.
“In addition, the estimates for January to March 2023 are also looking hopeful. The estimated figures show that 1.74 million trips were taken and £341 million spent in Wales for the first 3 months of 2023 by visitors from the UK staying overnight in Wales.
“It's positive that compared to January to March in 2022, it is estimated that the volume of trips taken in Wales in 2023 is 4% higher, whilst expenditure was 35% higher.
“It is encouraging to see these results and we hope that the positive trend continues.
“Domestic overnight visitors have always played a very important role in the Welsh visitor economy with over 90% of visitors coming from within Wales and the rest of UK.
“Visit Wales is committed to agile marketing, informed by consumer insights and highlighting Wales' unique culture, landscapes and adventure offer. This year that includes taking opportunities internationally to capitalise on the increased awareness of Wrexham and by default Wales, as well as domestically, showcasing the depth and breadth of experiences on offer to both visitors and residents of Wales.”
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