Planning and Environment Decisions Wales PEDW service update

From: Welsh Government
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024

How we are dealing with our planning appeals casework backlog.

We are pleased to announce that the changes we've made to our processes are having a positive impact on our appeals casework backlog.

We have reduced the overall number of cases waiting for allocation to an Inspector from around 300 to 200, and delays with starting new appeals from 24 to 12 weeks.

There is still a backlog but we are confident that timeliness will continue to improve in the months ahead.

We continue to prioritise our Householder, Advert and Minor Commercial Appeal Services. We are starting these appeals ahead of other casework.

We also prioritise:

  • the examination of Local Development Plans
  • applications for Developments of National Significance (see separate update)
  • other major casework because of their considerable public interest.

All other casework will be dealt with in order of date of receipt (with the exception of a limited number of specialist cases).

We will aim to programme Hearings and Inquiry events as soon as possible after starting appeals. There will inevitably be delays due to workload and resource pressures. We continue to work with stakeholders to choose and facilitate the most appropriate type of event. Virtual events are the preferred option unless there are clear reasons for in-person events.

Please wait until 12 weeks after receipt of an initial acknowledgement before enquiring about an appeal.

We are:

  • working hard to ensure our customers can remain assured of the quality of our work
  • doing all we can to address the casework backlog to allow us to return to normal timeframes.

We thank you for your patience while we strive to improve our service delivery.

Company: Welsh Government

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