Owners reminded to keep their dogs under control

From: Welsh Government
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022

As we near the end of lambing season, with young lambs out in the fields, dog owners are being reminded to keep their animals under control around sheep and other livestock.

Dogs worrying or attacking sheep and lambs is a distressing issue and Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths is asking everyone to ensure they do all they can to help tackle it.

Research has shown the majority of incidents involving dogs worrying or attacking sheep is on land which is not accessible to the public.

The Countryside Code, published by Natural Resources Wales, provides clear guidance on the responsibility of dog owners to keep their dogs under effective control.

This includes ensuring dogs are kept on a lead or in sight at all times and owners should be confident their dogs will return on command.

Rural Affairs Minister, Lesley Griffiths yesterday said:

Dog attacks on sheep and other livestock is matter we take very seriously and very sadly, we continue to see instances where animals are badly injured or killed.

The majority of owners do the right thing in controlling their dogs, but there are others who don't.

The costs - financially and emotionally - for those who own or find dead and injured animals, are wholly unacceptable, as are the animal welfare implications.

We are working with the UK Government on introducing further safeguards through the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill.

I urge all owners to ensure their dog is kept under control and encourage livestock keepers to report all incidents where they are not to the police.

Wales Rural & Wildlife Crime Coordinator, Rob Taylor yesterday said:

The police regularly receive reports of sheep and other livestock being attacked by dogs throughout Wales, which is wholly preventable.

We see more than 300 attacks per year with animals brutalised and often killed, as well as dogs being shot or euthanised and the owner appearing before the courts.

Responsible dog ownership is key and it's important to ensure pets are under control at all times, or if left home alone, that the house or garden are secure.

Company: Welsh Government

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