The First Minister is encouraging people across Wales to take part in a consultation about the terms of reference for the UK-wide COVID-19 inquiry.
The Prime Minister yesterday published the draft terms of reference for the inquiry.
The Welsh Government, together with the other devolved governments, were consulted ahead of the publication of the draft terms of reference.
The First Minister said the Welsh Government has made concerted representations to the Prime Minister to ensure the experiences of people in Wales will be properly and thoroughly reflected in the inquiry.
This will ensure decisions made by the Welsh Government and other Welsh public services during the pandemic are properly scrutinised by the inquiry team.
The consultation will be led by the chair of the inquiry Baroness Heather Hallett.
First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford yesterday said:
The pandemic has touched all of our lives in different ways and I would encourage everyone to take part in this process and provide their feedback.
I have met representatives from the COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice Cymru group. Their experiences and comments were also directly reflected in our representations to the Prime Minister about the terms of reference.
I am strongly committed to an independent inquiry and I have always believed the best way to achieve this is through a UK-wide, judge-led inquiry.
The Welsh Government will respond to the consultation to ensure the experiences of people in Wales are properly heard by the inquiry.