Launching its latest report today, “Preparing Wales for a Renewable Energy 2050”, the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales (NICW) has outlined key recommendations to assist the Welsh Government in achieving a net zero Wales by 2050.
Preparing Wales for a Renewable Energy 2050
The new report is the Commission's first major piece of work since it was refreshed last year and has seen it undertake research into how the Welsh Government can capture the value of renewable energy to Wales, what opportunities and challenges lie ahead and how the Welsh Government can best engage the public on this issue.
In this latest report, NICW provides eleven recommendations to Welsh Ministers on how changes can be made to enhance renewable energy development in Wales that best meets the needs of Welsh communities. These recommendations cover the areas of
- leadership and strategic approach;
- a grid for the future,
- the built environment,
- the planning system,
- community benefits and ownership, and
- the Crown Estate,
and the Commission believe that, collectively, they could result in a step-change for Wales to meet its carbon targets.
Speaking on the importance of the recommendations, Dr Jenifer Baxter, Deputy Chair of National Infrastructure Commission for Wales, said:
We are now facing time in our history where if we do not make a concerted effort to change how we deliver new infrastructure then our ambitions for net zero and the well-being of future generations will be in jeopardy.
Aleena Khan, National Infrastructure Commission for Wales (NICW) Commissioner and Chair of the NICW Renewable
Energy Project Advisory Group said:
As a young person, I understand the importance of Wales' acting decisively in tackling the climate and nature emergencies. I hope the Welsh Government will consider each of our proposals carefully and the impact they will make on us meeting our energy and carbon targets.
It has been really positive to work with a number of organisations to produce this report showing that, taking a team Wales approach, we can together to seize the opportunities before us.
Nick Tune, National Infrastructure Commission for Wales (NICW) Commissioner and lead Commissioner for the NICW Renewable Energy work said:
The deployment of renewable energy in Wales is currently not moving at the pace required to address the climate emergency and subsequently the needs of the people of Wales.
This report identifies critical actions that are required by the Welsh Government to deliver their target i.e., meeting 100% of its annual electricity demand from renewable sources by 2035 whilst delivering tangible benefits for the people of Wales.
It is expected that the Welsh Government will respond in due course to the recommendations proposed by the Commission.