West African security, COVID-19 and human rights, China

From: Chatham House
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021


The latest issue of International Affairs includes 16 papers providing fresh and diverse takes on classic international relations topics.

A Baptist minister once said if you take the text out of context you are left with a con'. Understanding the wider context of key international relations moments has been a consistent theme of the journal from its inception. Looking at the Middle East, Daniel Neep examines the Ottomans and importantly highlights that much of Middle Eastern international relations starts with the British, ignoring the longer historical context.

Joe Burton and George Christou provide a new lens on conflict in cyberspace, arguing cyberpeace can be achieved if the topic is approached with a human-centric approach. Louise Curran, Khalid Nadvi and Sangeeta Khorana ask why the EU-India trade negotiations have stalled and consider possible ways forward.

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