Here we are on our 3rd blog of the 5-part series on core manager functions.
This time Kian will explain how using 'Support and Develop' helps with the wellbeing and effective progression of a team.
Support and Develop
Kian's story
I left University with a degree in Environmental Management and subsequently have worked in numerous and diverse jobs, both in the public and private sectors. I began working at HMRC in June 2021 as a team leader for Customer Compliance within Debt Management. We deal with complex queries and debt matters brought through our private debt agency partners.
I struggled at University until I was assessed for dyslexia, which was confirmed. Dyslexia affects working memory, so technology is a great tool for me. I have found that I can support and develop my team better as I understand my own strengths and can value the great team I have with all their unique skills and characters.
A key challenge is completing the work on time to meet tight deadlines. As a team leader, I support and develop my team and ensure their welfare so they can meet these deadlines, while I balance the workload to make sure it is manageable. I keep in mind that a lot can be going on in a person's life other than their work, so I support them by getting to know them and their circumstances first. I know what they are capable of and by listening and trusting each of the team to do various pieces of work, I have been able to share opportunities out better. I develop my team by building on their strengths and re-thinking how we do things as a team, which has created a productive environment.
Developing my own manager skills, such as Emotional Intelligence, has proved very beneficial to my own self-awareness. This has proved helpful when talking to individuals about their own development and supporting them to meet the tight deadlines. I have developed the team by being empathic, listening to their issues but not necessarily offering solutions, encouraging individuals to try to work problems through for themselves.
I am proud to work for HMRC as the department has a strong commitment to making their workforce accepting of difference and neurodiversity and an understanding of the positive gains that can be achieved through having a neuro-diverse workforce. As a new manager, I know I have a long way to go and lots to learn but am looking forward to the challenges ahead and continuing to support and develop my team so watch this space!
If you haven't already, catch up with our previous editions in the series; Kyle talks about how he owns and initiates change and Carol talks how she engages and leads.
Come work for us! If you're interested in a people manager position, we'll definitely have a role, whether it's managing just one person or a whole team. See our current vacancies and put in an application.