The Ideas Marketplace is an online networking Collaboration Platform for innovators to discuss, collaborate and share ideas to meet defence and security challenges.
It enables innovators to get their ideas in front of an array of government stakeholders, like-minded end users and offers the opportunity for industry to share ideas to overcome defence and security challenges and helps deliver the next generation of defence and security tools and services.
It encourages collaboration between organisations of all shapes and sizes, to foster new and dynamic relationships to make innovations a success.
From helping innovators gain expertise and specialist support to develop technologies, to forming longstanding partnerships and finding new funding opportunities. The Ideas Marketplace will help innovators to:
- hear about funding opportunities from across government
- access exclusive competitions
- collaborate with another innovators to make ideas a success
- engage with industry leaders and learn more about the defence and security landscape
- foster collaborative relationships and partnerships
The Ideas Marketplace community comprises 10 UK defence and security innovation organisations:
- DASA: DASA finds and funds exploitable innovation to support UK defence and security quickly and effectively, and support UK prosperity.
- jHub & jHub digital: jHub is the Innovation centre for Strategic Command, seeking innovation and technology to enhance and improve the operation of the UK armed forces.
- Discover, Analysis and Rapid Exploitation (DARE), the DARE team explores ways of providing cutting-edge technology and operational prototypes to show where the Royal Navy could go in the future.
- RAFX: RAFX develops technology for the RAF to discover how it can help deliver safer, more efficient and predictable operations, and create the next generation Air Force.
- Army Rapid Innovation & Experimentation Lab (ARIEL) seeks to work with innovative industries in a shared space, allowing ideas to be developed, and technology and equipment to be refined.
- DE&S Future Capabilities Group: The DE&S Future Capabilities Group (FCG) works with industry to explore and de-risk new capabilities against Front-Line Command needs.
- Regional Defence and Security Clusters: These are regional collaboration clusters led by industry and academia with the support of government and its ministerial departments such as the MOD and its innovation directorate, and the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA).
- UK Space Command: UK Space Command is a joint command staffed by the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, civil servants, and commercial partners. It aims to deliver space equipment programmes that integrate with other defence capabilities.
More information on how to sign up and use the Ideas Marketplace can be found here.