IEA - Plan B restrictions cannot be abolished a moment too soon

From: Think Tanks
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022

Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics at free market think tank Institute of Economic Affairs, said: Plan B restrictions cannot be abolished a moment too soon. Vaccine passports have never worked anywhere and face masks are largely theatrical.

As heavily restricted Europe continues to struggle with the virus, England has a falling infection rate and should see good economic growth from February onwards.

Omicron was a major bump in the road, but England's strategy of opening up in summer and rolling out boosters in the autumn has been vindicated.

Notes to editors

Contact Emily Carver, Head of Media, 07715 942 731

Further IEA reading:

Ignore the Zero Covid fanatics - there is no reason to think the UK needs another lockdown, by Christopher Snowdon

Is this the real reason Boris introduced Covid restrictions?, by Christopher Snwodon

Company: Think Tanks

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