An Accredited Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.
This release includes background statistics on schools, staff and pupils which supplement the publication of Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, 2023 that was published on 12 December 2023.
This release includes a new measure that reports on persistent absence of pupils. Persistent absence has been defined as an absence rate of 10% or more across the whole school year. The overall persistent absence rate for the 2022/23 school year was 32%, meaning that 32% of pupils in Scotland had an absence rate of 10% or more.
The total hours worked per week by pupil support assistants in 2023 was 490,750. This equates to an estimated FTE of 17,330, an increase of 725 (4.4%) on 2022. There were decreases in hours worked per week by home-school link workers (down 6.0% to 16,350), library staff (down 6.1% to 8,450) and behaviour support staff (down 25.6% to 4,800). There was a small increase in hours worked per week by educational psychologists (up 0.4% to 14,000).
This release covers:
Further information on school statistics within Scotland is available online.
National Statistics are accredited official statistics and are produced in accordance with professional standards.