More than 70% of eligible adults have had their booster or third dose.
More than seven in 10 eligible adults across Scotland have now had their COVID-19 booster or third dose.
Figures published yesterday show that 72.1% of over 18s who are eligible by 31 December have come forward so far, and more than 70,000 booster or third doses have been given a day over the last two days.
Anyone who has not yet had their booster is still being urged to get boosted by the bells', as the best way to combat the Omicron variant and protect the NHS.
Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said:
These figures reflect the enormous national effort which is going on right around the country to accelerate our vaccination programme in response to the Omicron variant. I want to thank absolutely everyone who has been involved in the programme, and all the people who have stepped up and come in for their booster.
There will be vaccination centres open on Christmas Eve, so we want to see as many people as possible getting their booster right up until Christmas. If that isn't possible for you, centres will be re-opening from Monday 27th, so please book an appointment today, or look out for drop-ins, so you can join the thousands of people who have been boosted by the bells. Getting vaccinated is your civic duty, you not only protect yourself, but your loved ones, those you interact with and the country as whole, so please get your booster as soon as you can.
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To use the online portal, people will need their unique vaccination username which can be found on any previous appointment letter. If this is not readily available, it can be located or reset at NHS Inform's recover username page. Those without online access, can book an appointment through the National Helpline 0800 030 8013.
Appointments must be booked at least 12 weeks after a second dose. However, adults with a confirmed case of the virus since receiving a vaccine should wait four weeks from testing positive to receive their booster.