Data about organ and tissue donation in Scotland prior to implementation of The Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Act 2019', organised into three main categories: public attitudes, workforce, monitoring data.
This report presents data about organ and tissue donation in Scotland prior to implementation of The Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Act 2019', organised into three main categories: Public Attitudes, Workforce, Monitoring data.
Findings related to Public attitudes has shown high levels of awareness and understanding of, and support for, the move to an opt-out system, as well as support for, and trust in, the opt-out system, and that over half of respondents are having conversation with family or a loved one about their organ and tissue donation decision. Barriers to donation and opt-out support may include concerns such as medical mistrust, discomfort at the thought of one's body being operated on for organ/tissue retrieval, and a perceived threat to one's freedom of choice. In the UK, minority ethnic groups tend to be less supportive of organ donation generally and have greater concerns about it.
Findings related to Workforce has shown that most NHS staff interviewed were supportive of the move to an opt-out donation system and were largely not worried about the move to an opt-out authorisation system, as the law change is in line with current practices. NHS staff did highlight that it can be a challenging process for both NHS staff and patient families and that maintaining patient family trust in the move to an opt-out system was paramount. NHS staff members also felt that the implementation of the Act could bring about positive impacts to the donation system in Scotland by raising awareness. Interview also revealed that most staff that good working relationships with SNODs (Specialist Nurses for Organ Donation) and integration of SNODs in wards supported successful donation authorisation. Findings related to Monitoring data shows a range of figures related organ and tissue donation concerning rates of donation, transplantation, donation authorisation, referral, family approach, and registration on the Organ Donor Registry.
The Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Act 2019: Baseline Report 63 page PDF 1.4 MB