A progress report from the Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group summarising the group's perspective on progress made against the actions set out in the Additional Support for Learning Action Plan.
Overview and background
As a group, ASLIG has welcomed the Independently Chaired Review of Additional Support for Learning (ASL), authored by Angela Morgan and published in June 2020, in the midst of the first wave of COVID-19. The group used this as a starting point in addressing current challenges around ASL implementation in Scotland.
ASLIG has noted the overwhelmingly positive response of parents, young people and other stakeholders to the findings of the report, and to the recommendations. We were very encouraged that parents and young people not only felt listened to, but that they felt heard' in the recommendations. ASLIG has also noted concerns that the Review did not consider fully the resource and budget implications of delivering ASL equitably for all pupils in all settings. However ASLIG is aware that this was out of scope of the Review, and is a priority for Audit Scotland to assess and for COSLA and the Scottish Government to consider as per the Review's recommendations.
Following our July 2020 meeting where the Group met to formally consider the findings of the Independently Chaired Review, ASLIG wrote to Angela Morgan to thank her for her excellent work on the Independent Review and to reassure her of the Group's commitment to its recommendations and values.
Independent Review of Additional Support for Learning in Scotland 2020: Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group (ASLIG): year 1 report October 2021 11 page PDF 167.7 kB