In view of the humanitarian situation in Ukraine created by the Russian invasion of that country and in response to a request by the Ukrainian authorities, France has decided to put together a ?100 million financial package to assist victims of the conflict.
In addition to financial support for NGOs and multilateral organizations, our assistance is in the form of emergency humanitarian aid.
Four trucks carrying an initial shipment of 33 tons of emergency aid arrived in Poland from France on Sunday evening, and the shipment was delivered to the Ukrainian authorities yesterday. The shipment, which came from the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs' Crisis and Support Center and the stockpile of the Interior Ministry's Civil Security Agency, is composed of items to provide shelter for displaced persons (500 family tents, 2,300 blankets, 1,000 hygiene kits, 2,000 floor mats and 300 sleeping bags).
A second shipment composed of eight tons of emergency medical supplies departed France today aboard two Polish civil security aircraft and will be delivered to the Ukrainian authorities. This shipment includes a ?mobile clinic? with medicines and hospital equipment intended to reinforce emergency facilities; it is capable of treating up to 500 war-wounded. It also includes 36 containers of medication donated by Fondation Tulipe.
These two operations fall within the framework of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM).
At the request of the Polish authorities, humanitarian support in the form of emergency medical aid will also be provided to Poland to help care for refugees fleeing Ukraine.
Other humanitarian aid operations for Ukraine are being considered.