PGE Narodowy Stadium
Warsaw, Poland
3:28 P.M. CET
Q Mr. President, what do you think about Russia changing its strategy?
THE PRESIDENT: I'm not sure they have.
Q And what's the impact of this on you, Mr. President? Tell us about what you saw.
THE PRESIDENT: I've been to an awful lot of places like this with a lot of refugee camps in my life. And what I - what I never - I'm always surprised by is the depth and strength of the human spirit. I mean it sincerely. And it's incredible. It's incredible.
You see all those little children? Just wanted to - just want a hug. They just want to say thanks. I mean, they're - I mean, it's - it just makes you so damn proud. And they're wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
And, you know, the Ukrainian people are - each one of those children said something to the effect, "Say a prayer for my dad, for my grandfather, for my brother who's back there fighting." And I remember what it's like when you have someone in a war zone. Every morning you get up and you wonder. You just wonder. You pray you don't get that phone call. And they're an amazing group of people.
Q How does this make you think of -
Q How do you get into some of these cities like Mariupol that's got - you know, that's got nothing?
THE PRESIDENT: Oh, they've got nothing. I met two people from Mariupol. It's - it's astounding.
Q What were the commitments with Ukraine?
Q What is this - I mean, you see this in your - you know, you're dealing every day with Vladimir Putin. I mean, look at what he's done to these people. What does it make you think?
THE PRESIDENT: He's a butcher. That's what it makes me think.
3:29 P.M. CET