Hong Kong - Q&A (13 May 2022)

Published: Fri May 13 2022

Q: On Wednesday, the Hong Kong police arrested five members of the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund, including the 90-year-old Cardinal Joseph Zen, for ?collusion with foreign forces.? These arrests occurred three days after the election of John Lee as Hong Kong Chief Executive. A former police officer and Secretary for Security, he crushed the 2019-2020 demonstrations. Does France see a link?

A: The arrest of Hong Kong civil society figures including Cardinal Joseph Zen, lawyer and former lawmaker Margaret Ng and singer Denise Ho sends a troubling signal about the respect for individual liberties enshrined in Hong Kong's Basic Law. We are monitoring the situation closely and call on Hong Kong's authorities to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, particularly the right to a fair trial.

As for Sunday's election in Hong Kong, please consult the Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the Chief Executive Election held on 8 May as well as the G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on the Hong Kong Chief Executive Selection, issued on May 9.

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