Q: Gerardo Peņalver, the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, is in Paris. What meetings does he have scheduled with the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and which topics will be covered? Would you please give us a snapshot of Franco-Cuban relations?
A: Today, the Cuban First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Gerardo Peņalver will meet with the Secretary General of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. This meeting will focus on bilateral political dialogue and will cover all aspects of our bilateral relationship.
The partnership between France and Cuba is founded on an open dialogue and is grounded in cooperation, namely via the French Development Agency (AFD), which has had a Cuban presence since 2016.
This meeting will address the priorities for our bilateral relationship in addition to the current regional crises impacting Europe and Latin America. The Secretary General will reiterate the need for Cuba to comply with its human rights commitments following the concerns expressed by France regarding the trial of the individuals jailed after the July 11, 2021, protests. He will also raise the issue of compliance with the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement signed by Cuba and the European Union.
Lastly, the Secretary General will discuss the France-backed initiatives to resolve the crisis caused by the Russian aggression in Ukraine.