Get involved in techUK's Digital Identity Week, taking place 13-17 November 2023!
Throughout the week members will have the opportunity to demonstrate some of the latest, cutting edge digital identity solutions on the market, and how these applications are having a transformative impact across our society and the economy.
In recent years robust digital identity solutions have become central to facilitating more frictionless transactions as services are increasingly provided online, and supporting the rapid digitalisation of our economy. However, there remains considerable untapped potential as to where this technology could be used. During #DigitalIDWeek we will therefore also discuss in-depth some of the current barriers to adoption and how these can be effectively resolved.
We are currently looking for members interested in providing thought leadership insights and case studies around the use of digital identity across the following five key sectors:
Monday- Healthcare
Tuesday- Government
Wednesday- Financial Services
Thursday- Travel and Transport
Friday- Retail and eCommerce
If you'd like to contribute case studies, blogs or videos as part of techUK's Digital ID Week, please send across all contributions sent to and by COP Friday 3 November.