techUK | Financial Services Council | Nominations now Open

From: techUK
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023

techUK's Financial Services Council is now open for nominations to join its renewed term of office

The Council is made up of representatives from techUK member companies who have key expertise and a strong interest in long-term policy aims for the financial services sector.

It meets every two months and provides guidance and direction to the work undertaken across the Financial Services Programme - and is hugely influential. The Council also has the ability to suggest working groups which may need to be created in order to deliver some key pieces of work. Details include;

  • The Council is an elected body with a maximum of one individual from member firms and the places are decided by an election from your peers across the Financial Services Programme.
  • The final stipulation is that five of the 25 seats available must be taken by SME firms to ensure that the voice of smaller companies is represented.

If you are interested in putting your name forward, please complete the following form to express your interest. We will then publish a slate with eligible candidates as well as instructions of how to vote.

The deadline for nominations is COP 17/02/2023.

See here for nomination form: Click here

Company: techUK

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