Regular sessions with NHS Transformations Adult Social Care team announced

From: techUK
Published: Thu May 26 2022

techUK and the NHS Transformation Directorate's Adult Social Care team have recently announced greater collaboration that will see the organisations hold bi-monthly check-ins' for techUK members.

In these, members are invited to receive strategic and operational updates from the NHS on ongoing and future projects as well as details about opportunities for engagement or collaboration.

In return, they will provide constructive feedback, useful evidence, relevant resources, and insights regarding future business priorities or challenges to NHS colleagues. This should ensure that government policymaking is informed by the capabilities, priorities and needs of the sector.

The first meeting, taking place virtually on 7 June, will explore the What Good Looks Like (WGLL) framework. WGLL draws on local learning and builds on established good practice to provide clear guidance for NHS and ICS health and care leaders to digitise, connect and transform services in a safe and secure manner.

The session, which is intended to facilitate relationship building through an informal setting, will be attended by teams from both the NHS Transformation Directorate and Local Government Association. NHSTD colleagues will provide a high-level, strategic overview of the framework whilst LGA colleagues will talk attendees through a framework they are developing to help Local Authorities use WGLL in an Adult Social Care setting.

techUK members can register to attend the WGLL session here whilst booking for future sessions will open every few months.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Rory Daniels, techUK's Programme Manager for Social Care, at

Company: techUK

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