Ofcom update: Improving access to shared spectrum at a local level

From: techUK
Published: Mon Jul 29 2024

A number of updates from Ofcom have been shared ahead of the summer break. To help techUK members navigate these publications, we have summarised the announcements below:

  • Statement and consultation: Expanding Access to Shared Spectrum
  • Call for input: Improving mobile connectivity from the sky and space
  • Ofcom launches review of spectrum licence fees
  • Consultation: General Policy on Information Gathering

techUK members are invited to share their comments and feedback to the team below or directly through tales.gaspar@techuk.org.

Firstly, Ofcom has announced key decisions around the Shared Access framework. Following a previous request for comments from industry, Ofcom has decided to reduce separation distances between users in the 3.8-4.2GHz band, promote new use cases through more flexible rules, add additional spectrum to the framework, and improve the application process for users. These decisions follow techUK's contributions on the topic and we look forward to further engagement with Ofcom on this important topic.

Ofcom has also published spectrum availability maps for 3.8-4.2 GHz, along with an updated coordination approach. Other modifications will be shared next year, such as increasing spectrum supply and new options to improve decisions around coordination.

Ofcom is now seeking further contributions to determine whether to permit medium power licences in urban areas without a requirement for exceptions regarding antenna heights, as well as removing Terminal Registration Requirements (TRR) for low power outdoor base stations, which enables neutral host-type solutions.

In terms of next steps, Ofcom is keen to monitor the evolution of the SAL ecosystem. The international work within CEPT towards a harmonised sharing approach is desired and has been submitted to consultation by the entity. Additionally, Ofcom announced that further work is underway on new ‘spectrum sandbox' projects to develop the potential for multiple users in the shared access band, gathering more data on propagation and interference.

Other live consultations and recent statements

Looking at space applications and Mobile-satellite services (MSS) spectrum, Ofcom has launched a consultation on the potential supply for direct to device services. With considerable strides in the sector in the past years, the timely release of this consultation showcases critical opportunities for advances in satellite and High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS) to deliver the direct-to-handset service to consumers.

Ofcom has also launched a review of the annual license fees for public mobile use spectrum. Currently, ALFs are charged for use for the 900MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz bands. It follows several industry requests for an ALF review, which were echoed by techUK in the recent Telecoms Action Plan.

Download now the Telecoms Action Plan: a techUK policy stocktake for the new government

Similarly, Ofcom issued a consultation on its information gathering policy. The consultation document sets out an update to Ofcom's 2005 information gathering policy following Ofcom being given more powers through different legislative changes. Such changes could transform how industry engages and feeds into regulatory policy from Ofcom.

Company: techUK

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