Defence Equipment Support DES Industry Feedback Questionnaire

From: techUK
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023

MOD DE&S is seeking feedback from industry to better understand what it is doing well, what it is not doing well, how it can improve and how it can learn from partner nations defence procurement systems; so that it can use their best learnings to improve its own processes.

As you may be aware, DE&S is currently subject to a House of Commons Defence Committee inquiry. Concurrently, as an organisation it is refreshing the DE&S 2025 strategy in light of a newly released integrated review and a major shock in the international geopolitical system. Both events have provided a strong impetus for DE&S to both look inwardly and outwardly.

To provide a comprehensive understanding DE&S are looking to the industrial community to provide their experiences both on how they've worked with the organisation, and if applicable, how they have found working with other nations. To do so, industry is invited to participate in the following questionnaire, please complete by 12 Apr 2023.

You can access the question by clicking here.

Company: techUK

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