In a new report, His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has highlighted police forces' progress in recording crime, increasing from an estimated 80.5 per cent of all crime being recorded in 2014 to 92.4 per cent at the end of 2021/22 inspections.
The report highlighted several other issues that policing needs to address to improve the service they provide to the public including making decisions based on poor data or insufficient data analysis.
In response APCC Joint Performance Lead Matthew Barber, yesterday said:
“This report highlights key concerns around police force's ability to manage their own performance due to poor data and insufficient analysis.
“Accurate data collection and analysis is crucial in enabling forces to effectively assess their demand, performance and prioritise and allocate their resources effectively. Without this, policing cannot deliver a service that meets the needs of the public.
“We are pleased to see best practice identified in this report and it is important that we take these areas of great work and replicate this success across policing.
“We welcome the recommendation to create a single performance framework covering core aspects of police performance. We are already working with our policing partners to support and oversee the development of national tools to drive improvement and efficiencies, such as the Digital Crime Performance Pack.”
You can read the full report here - Policing is making progress in some areas, but forces still need to get a grip on performance - His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (