APCC Leads on Roads Policing And Transport Support Annual Roadpeace Week of Action Highlighting Road Deaths And Injury

From: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
Published: Tue May 21 2024

To mark the annual RoadPeace Challenge 2024 (13-19 May), APCC Leads on Roads Policing and Transport, Lisa Townsend and Joy Allen, recently said:

“We are delighted to show our support for the fourth RoadPeace Challenge week of action as it aims to raise public awareness of the need to reduce the numbers killed and seriously injured on UK roads.

“RoadPeace's charitable work in supporting bereaved people and helping them navigate police investigations, inquests and possible court proceedings is invaluable.

“Each day, on average, around five people die and hundreds are injured on our roads - an unacceptable toll that results from reckless driving or someone's choice to get behind the wheel of a vehicle when they're in no fit state to drive. Too many lives are being lost because of the “fatal four”: speeding, using a mobile device whilst driving, drink driving, and driving under the influence of drugs, the increase in which is of particular concern.

“All those who are taking part in the RoadPeace Challenge 2024 are to be celebrated for their efforts in making a stand against careless and unacceptable behaviour on the part of drivers, and we congratulate everyone who has contributed to already reaching, within the first 48 hours, this year's target of collectively walking, running, cycling or horse riding 1,766 miles to honour the 1,766 people reported killed on the roads in 2022.”


  • Lisa Townsend is Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey.
  • Joy Allen is Police and Crime Commissioner for Durham.
  • More information on the RoadPeace Challenge 2024 can be found here.

Company: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners

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