APCC chair welcomes creation of new town centre boards

From: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023

APCC Chair Donna Jones, has written to the Prime Minister to welcome the government announcement for the creation of new Town Centre Boards, and to ask for Police and Crime Commissioners, Mayor's, and Chairs of Relevant Policing Authorities, to take a leading role.

In the letter, the APCC Chair said:

"I welcome the creation of new Town Centre Boards which have the potential to create and sustain thriving highstreets and make communities safer. Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) are keen to support the new boards, noting that one of the three priorities of them will be to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB). Involving the community in these important issues, as well as giving them the authority and resources to solve ASB, is very welcome.

Police and Crime Commissioners already play a leading role in efforts to reduce ASB, working alongside our colleagues in local councils. Through the Home Office Safer Streets Fund, Police and Crime Commissioners have been able to lead over £60m of community safety improvements, much of which has been designed to tackle ASB and with 16 PCCs receiving Home Office funding to undertake the Immediate Justice and Hotspot Policing ASB pilots targeting individuals and specific locations, with a view to national roll-out next year.

Given our work in this area, I would ask that Police and Crime Commissioners are formally recognised as members of the new Boards. Our local knowledge of the issues, together with our ability to convene partners involved in tackling ASB, we can play a key role in the work of the Boards, and we are keen to work with the government to establish the remit of Town Centre Boards.

“We note that arrangements in Wales are still under consideration and would ask that there is close engagement with Police and Crime Commissioners in Wales, where Public Safety Boards also operate in this space. I also request that Police and Crime Commissioners are invited to support the national Town Taskforce as our involvement nationally will help to improve consistency at a local level.”

Company: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners

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