White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: Final Report to the President
The White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) has issued Rising Together, its final report to President Joe Biden. The report offers a comprehensive review of the Biden-Harris Administration’s historic investments in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities and includes:
A broad summary of WHIAANHPI’s activities to uplift AA and NHPI visibility, support communities in crisis, strengthen federal employment pathways, and promote capacity building;
Updates from 29 federal agencies detailing the implementation of their action plans and steps they have undertaken since the release of the National Strategy to Advance Equity, Justice, and Opportunity for AA and NHPI Communities;
86 community-centered, expert-informed recommendations from the President’s Advisory Commission on AA and NHPIs to address systemic barriers in the federal government’s policies and programs, many of which have already been implemented under the Biden-Harris Administration; and
A snapshot of progress made across seven strategic priority areas, including combating anti-Asian hate, promoting belonging, advancing data disaggregation, improving language access, addressing COVID-19 recovery, expanding outreach and engagement, and diversifying the federal workforce.
To view the full report, please visit: wh.gov/whiaanhpireport2025.
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