Ukraine - Q&A from the press briefing (9 Nov. 21)

Published: Wed Nov 10 2021

Q: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said it was impossible to hold a ministerial meeting in the Normandy Format on November 11 because there have been no responses to Russian proposals on the meeting's final document. Does France agree that it is necessary to prepare this event more meticulously? Do you have other proposals? Might the ministerial meeting in the Normandy Format take place before the end of November?

A: That is incorrect. France and Germany responded to Russia's proposals. They are proposing to hold a ministerial meeting in the Normandy Format, and that was rejected by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Our goal remains to hold a ministerial meeting in the Normandy Format as soon as possible in order to overcome disagreements and give a new political impetus to the negotiations.

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