APM awarded with 2* accreditation by Best Companies

From: Association for Project Management
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023

APM is delighted to announce that it has been awarded with the 2* accreditation by Best Companies, the leading employee engagement specialist. Moving from a 1* accreditation, this 2* accolade means that APM is recognised as an ‘outstanding' organisation that values its people and understands the importance of a truly engaged workforce.

The 2* is achieved only by those organisations that attain a Best Company Index (BCI) of over 696.5, following the b-heard survey run by Best Companies which measures, recognises and improves levels of workplace engagement across an organisation.

Professor Adam Boddison OBE, Chief Executive of APM, says:

“An organisation's biggest asset is its people and investing in the workforce is something we hold in high regard at APM. Over the past year, we have proactively sought to reduce unnecessary workload, to champion DEIB (diversity, equality, inclusion and belonging) and to provide opportunities for career development and professional growth. As a result, our workforce wellbeing has seen further improvements moving us from a 1* to a 2* accreditation by Best Companies. We are extremely proud to be an employer of choice and we plan to continue to invest in our workforce in the coming months and years.”

APM has also been entered for a place on the Best Companies league tables: national, regional and sector. The quarterly results are updated throughout the year, with the final annual league places being announced in November 2023.

Jonathan Austin, Founder and CEO of Best Companies said:

“Association for Project Management should be very proud of their achievement, demonstrating outstanding levels of engagement. This accreditation is recognition of all they have done to be a best company to work for, and always putting their people first.”

Company: Association for Project Management

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