Open Letter to the Secretary of State: Using the National Semiconductor Institute to become a Semiconductor leader

From: techUK
Published: Fri May 24 2024

techUK, alongside members of the UK Chips Coalition, have welcomed the announcement of a new National Semiconductor Institute, but it is critical to turn this rhetoric into action.

techUK, alongside members of the UK Chips Coalition, have welcomed the announcement of a new National Semiconductor Institute, but it is critical to turn this rhetoric into action.

The Chips Coalition, the industry voice for Semiconductors, have written this open letter to highlight three areas in which the Institute should focus to secure UK science and tech leadership.

Chips Coalition Open Letter.pdf

Dear Secretary of State for Department of Science, Innovation and Technology,

If the UK Government is to fulfil its ambition to become a science and technology superpower, we need to be a global player in the semiconductor industry.

The Chips Coalition, as the industry voice for the semiconductor sector, strongly welcome the announcement made yesterday of the creation of a National Semiconductor Institute, as recommended in the Infrastructure Feasibility Study completed earlier this year by the Institute for Manufacturing.

This announcement, coming on the one-year anniversary of the National Semiconductor a welcome commitment to the importance placed on semiconductors as one of the UK Government's “five technologies of tomorrow.” Since the publication of the National Semiconductor Strategy, other positive steps have also been taken, including the creation of the Semiconductor Advisory Panel, a commitment to developing the UK's position with international collaboration agreements on semiconductors, and the wider Infrastructure feasibility study that recommended the National Semiconductor Institute. However, we believe that UK Government can better leverage the rhetoric of the National Semiconductor Strategy to deliver more co-ordinated and ambitious support that will enable the UK semiconductor industry to thrive.

It is critical to transform the National Semiconductor Strategy into action through targeted support for the semiconductor industry, delivering a strong return on investment across the public and private sectors. The Chips Coalition believes that this can be delivered through the National Semiconductor Institute. This announcement recognises the important role this Institute will play in developing a strong co-ordinating voice for UK semiconductor industry, creating value from British innovation. With this in mind, the Chips Coalition have identified three core areas where action can be taken through this Institute:

1. Commitment to next-gen R&D and manufacturing for semiconductors related to deeptech

2. Commitment to skills

3. Commitment to international trade and expansion

We must see the announcement of the National Semiconductor Institute turn into action. We look forward to continuing our work with UK Government on this, building a pathway towards long term funding and ensuring the role it will play in R&D, manufacturing, skills development and international collaboration.

The Chips Coalition will continue to advocate for this Institute to be authoritative, independent, and an empowered body that will bring together wider UK industry as users of semiconductors, alongside the international and domestic semiconductor industry.

We look forward to working with UK Government and industry on any next steps.

Kind Regards,

Members of the Chips Coalition

This letter is supported by the Chips Coalition. However, some members specifically shared their name in support:

  • Amadeus Capital
  • AMD
  • BlueGen Group
  • Blue Shift Memory
  • EnSilica
  • Flexciton
  • Global Tech Advocates
  • IQE
  • Kigen UK Limited
  • Lunar VC
  • Miribure
  • Pragmatic Semiconductor
  • Scintilla
  • Siemens
  • Semi Ventures
  • TechWorks
  • TechUK
  • Tramshed Tech
  • Technology Leaders
  • Wippd

For more information on the announcement you can click here .

Thank you to members of the Chips Coalition for working on this letter. If you would like to learn more about the Chips Coalition please click here

Company: techUK

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