The UK's communications regulator, Ofcom, has published a consultation on its proposed new space spectrum strategy, which sets the commitment to operationalise and coordinate the space domain whilst ensuring there is appropriate spectrum available for all users.
Ofcom last set out a strategy for spectrum work in the space sector back in 2017, but recent developments and the rapid expansion of the sector, with the likes OneWeb and SpaceX deploying large numbers of new non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) satellites has prompted the regulator to release a new policy document.
The purpose of this strategy is to:
- identify key trends in the sector affecting spectrum use
- identify the broad focus areas and specific activities in those areas over the next 2 - 4 years
- identify cross-cutting activities to take account of our new spectrum management strategy
- set out our ongoing activities that support delivery of the strategy
- identify further activities to address NGSO satellite communication systems
The consultation closes on 24 May and Ofcom aims to publish its final strategy later in the year.
While Ofcom recognises the critical role of satellite in broadcasting or in emergency and disaster relief communications, the regulator prioritises three work areas: communications, earth observation & navigation and access to space.
Click here for the full press release