IEA - Government should reject populist interventions in English football

From: Think Tanks
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021

Professor Len Shackleton, economist at free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, commented on the final report of the fan-led review of football governance

Once again our government is expanding the role of the state to encompass what should be private activity.

Few would claim that English football has been well-led in recent years, but that's the concern of clubs, players and fans. It has insufficient wider impact on the economy and society to justify state intervention.

Although some of the proposals in Tracey Crouch MP's report make sense, they are for the football authorities - with more than 150 years of experience - to decide on. Once the principle of government interference is accepted, further interventions to pursue government objectives will follow as surely as night follows day. Yet another voluntary activity will become an arm of the state.

Giving in to the voice of the noisiest fans, giving them the right of veto over owners of private property and imposing an arbitrarily redistributive tax have a short-term appeal but are profoundly illiberal policies.

Installing yet another regulator is now a standard recommendation for any perceived societal ill. In most cases it is a recipe for expensive mismanagement in response to a febrile public mood, as we are currently seeing in energy markets.

If these recommendations are carried out they will weaken English clubs in relation to theicr continental rivals and probably revive interest in a European Super-League which would take our top clubs out of the reach of the proposed regulator.

A government which claims to believe in private enterprise and freedom under the law should reject this populist plan.

Notes to editors

Contact: Emily Carver, Head of Media, 07715 942 731

IEA spokespeople are available for interview and further comment

Fan-Led Review of Football Governance - final report and recommendations

Company: Think Tanks

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