CSJ - Labour must address the root causes of UKs troubles

From: Think Tanks
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024

Andy Cook, Chief Executive of the Centre for Social Justice, commented on the General Election

“This was a historic result for Labour and congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer on becoming Prime Minister.

“Our research during the election (Breadline Britain's Election Battleground) revealed that Labour has regained ground among low-income voters, with half of those polled saying they would vote for it. This is a 14 per cent increase since 2019. Meanwhile, Conservative support among this group has dropped by 8 per cent to just 15 per cent overall.

“But politicians remain deeply unpopular, with more than half of low-income voters, 57 per cent, saying that “no political party really cares about helping people like me”.

“There are five clear national challenges that the next government need to focus on: good work, stable families, strong communities, public safety, and giving children the best start in life.

“And 3 quick wins it can address next week - abolish Section 21 no fault evictions, make ‘Cuckooing' a specific criminal offence, and end the school absence crisis by rolling out school attendance mentors across the country.

“I am an optimist. We can do better. If we focus on the long-term root causes of our troubles - like making work pay and supporting fragile families - rather than quick-fix sticking plasters, then we have the talent and resources to rebuild our future.”

Company: Think Tanks

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