The annual event has been hosted in the Buckingham Palace Garden since 1921.
The Duchess of Edinburgh hosted this special Garden Party, which brings together over 2,000 beneficiaries of the Not Forgotten Association from all services.
The Not Forgotten Association is a tri-service charity which provides entertainment, leisure and recreation for ex-service men and women with disabilities or illness and serving personnel who are wounded, injured or sick.
The Royal Family has a long-standing association with the charity which was established in 1920, ‘to provide comfort, cheer and entertainment for the wounded ex-servicemen still in hospital as a result of the Great War'. Princess Mary became the first Royal Patron of The Not Forgotten Association, a role she held until her death in 1965, when HRH The Duchess of Kent took over as Patron. She was then succeeded by The Princess Royal in 2000.
With the approval of King George V and Queen Mary, Garden Parties were held at Buckingham Palace for the wounded servicemen, who undertook a tour of the Royal Mews; including the riding school, were given a tea (provided by Queen Mary and Princess Mary), and then allowed to 'sit and play about as they like' in the Garden.
The tradition of providing entertainment for guests continues to this day, with guests being able to sample some traditional tea and cake and explore the beautiful Buckingham Palace Garden.