APCC Chair Marc Jones responded to Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary's report
The Report highlights the complex environment that policing operates in and recognises the fact that, over the last two years during the pandemic, policing faced extraordinary new challenges in keeping the public safe. On behalf of all PCCs and wider policing governance bodies I want to commend the courage and commitment of all our police officers and staff who have showed extraordinary bravery and resilience on behalf of us all.
PCCs are working tirelessly, alongside Chief Constables and partners, to cut crime and keep our communities safe. We recognise that public trust and confidence in policing is fundamental and something that should never be taken for granted. As the democratically elected people's voice in policing, we know that there is more work to be done to ensure that all of our communities retain confidence in our police. We are working closely with our communities and with police leaders to achieve this.
The Report also highlights the central purpose of the police is the prevention of crime. PCCs are investing in early intervention and prevention services in their local communities and leading local partnerships as part of a whole system approach, working to address the root causes of crime including investing in local support programmes for children and young people to help them out of crime and victimisation into positive activities in their communities.
We welcome the recognition in the report that PCCs play a significant role in bringing the different parts of the criminal justice system together at a local level to improve outcomes for victims and the public. PCCs put victims at the heart of the criminal justice system. We have always said that with further levers, PCCs can play a more integral role in improving the criminal justice system for victims and the wider public. We welcomed the recommendations this week in the Home Office PCC Review part Two to do exactly that and will be working with ministers and partners to take this forward.