Prime Minister: Levelling Up is our mission and were getting on with the job of delivering it

From: 10 Downing Street
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022

This week the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, will get out of Westminster to see how the government is delivering on the people's priorities across the country.

Taking the message directly to people on the ground, he will emphasise that under his new No10 operation there will be a laser-focus on levelling up, clearing the covid backlogs and improving living standards across the UK.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

I'm getting out of London this week and taking a simple message with me - this government is getting on with the job of uniting and levelling up the country.

Access to good healthcare, a good education, skilled work, reliable transport - none of this should depend on where you live. We're changing the rules of the game to put fairness back at the heart of the system and focusing on the priorities that really matter to people. This is our mission and we're getting on with delivering it.

Starting the week in Scotland, he will visit a manufacturing site to meet with some of their 800 highly skilled workers and discuss how they're using advanced technology to revolutionise their manufacturing processes.

He will also see some of the projects contributing to the UK's world leading research and development sector, which were funded under the UK and Scottish Government's 2018 Edinburgh & South East Scotland City Deal. As part of the Levelling Up White Paper, the government committed to increase domestic public investment in R&D by at least 40% outside of the Greater South East.

Recognising the importance of supporting young people into the workplace and delivering his vision of a high skill, high wage, high productivity economy, the Prime Minister will also use the trip to meet with apprentices who are developing a range of skills from Cyber to mechanical and electrical engineering.

Following the publication of the electives recovery plan earlier this week, the Prime Minister will travel to the North West to see how an oncology centre is tackling the covid backlogs by using technology and developing new ways of working.

The recovery plan sets out how the NHS will address unprecedented waiting lists caused by the pandemic, while redesigning how services are delivered to improve care for the long term. It includes more community diagnostic centres, surgical hubs and ways to give patients greater control over their own health and care, rapidly increasing capacity while reducing wait times.

Company: 10 Downing Street

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