The Government has today, Thursday 13 July, accepted the recommendations put forward by the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) awarding police officers a 7 per cent increase in pay.
The PRRB also considered proposals for a new pay structure for chief constables and deputy chief constables. It is recommended it is implemented for new appointments with effect from 1 September 2013 with existing chief constables and deputy chief constables transitioning to the new structure over at least three years.
In response to the announcement, APCC Chair Donna Jones, said:
“We welcome the announcement today of a 7% pay award for all police officers. Particularly on the evening of the Police Bravery Awards we are reminded that our officers work tirelessly and with great courage to keep our communities safe and this pay award, the highest in the public sector, is important in recognising their commitment and addressing the increased cost of living. We also welcome the additional funding in support of this pay award that will support the front line and the additional officer numbers delivered through Police Uplift.
"We are pleased that the Home Secretary has agreed in principle to reduce the number of different rates of pay for chief constables from 12 to three and we look forward to working with the Home Office and policing partners on the detailed implementation plan to deliver this reform.”