Helping people make connections in their community and supporting families are at the forefront of £9,939,220 of funding announced today by The National Lottery Community Fund.
Projects being supported include activity to improve mental health by reducing isolation, supporting those with physical health conditions or disabilities and helping children and young people get the best start in life.
Across Northern Ireland, Rosie's Trust is using a £383,143 grant to improve the health and well-being of people who are facing ill-health or older age, by helping them care for their pets.
Sandra and Chanel Angel who receive support from Rosie's Trust
Josephine Mallon, Acting Chair, Rosie's Trust said:
“We know people delay or even refuse medical treatment because they have no one to look after their pet. This National Lottery grant allows us to make a life changing difference, at a time when people need emotional support the most.”
Sandra is currently receiving treatment for cancer, and during this time Rosie's Trust are helping her care for her dog, Chanel Angel.
Sandra said:
“Chanel Angel is my best friend and I'd be absolutely lost without her. Knowing that she'll be there for me when I get home from my treatment, wagging her tail delighted to see me, gives me such strength.
“Without Rosie's Trust, I'm not sure how we'd manage. It is so reassuring to know that a friendly face will be visiting me each day.”
Click here for the full press release