Up to £39 million has been allocated to 50 projects across England and Wales to protect victims from domestic abuse and stalking.
The money will fund 50 projects which will be rolled out over the next 2 years, supporting initiatives to stop abusers from repeatedly targeting victims and terrorising vulnerable people.
Responding to the announcement, APCC Joint Victims' Leads Donna Jones and Sophie Linden, said: “We welcome this additional funding which will enable Police and Crime Commissioners to fund vital schemes and innovative initiatives which prevent harm and support victims in our communities.
“Stalking and domestic abuse are abhorrent serious crimes which are frighteningly common. As PCCs we invest in many initiatives locally from working with perpetrators to help them identify and change their behaviours, educating the public on harms, to providing support to victims of these crimes.
“PCC led schemes, including perpetrator programmes, are critical to improving victim safety and in reducing the risk posed by abusers and it is great to receive investment to carry on this work and innovation in this critical area.”
More information is available on the Home Office website.