APCC Chair, Marc Jones responded to HMICFRS State of Policing Report 2022
“This report rightly recognises some of the key challenges that all policing leaders face in repairing trust with the public. Confidence is fundamental to our policing system and something that Police and Crime Commissioners are working to address as a priority.
“We welcome the support that HMICFRS gives to PCCs as part of their critical role in holding Chief Constables to account and will look in detail at the report and its recommendations.
“Unlike the police, elected PCCs are the public's voice and are, indeed, accountable to the public for our work and for the services we provide, including around victims and witness services. We remain committed to ensuring the police are answerable to the communities they serve.
“The law is clear and unambiguous that PCCs are responsible for appointing the Chief Constable. The PCC powers in this area were examined and re-confirmed as part of the recent PCC review. Work continues with our partners to ensure the appointment process; pay and reward; and leadership development continue to attract and develop a strong and diverse pipeline of chief officer talent.”