Ukraine - Special delivery of emergency medical aid by France - Joint communiqué issued by the Ministry for Europe and Foreig

Published: Fri Apr 22 2022

At the Ukrainian authorities' request, the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Crisis and Support Centre (CDCS), in conjunction with the Ministry for Solidarity and Health and several French hospitals, is delivering over 28 tonnes of medical equipment to Poland by road. The equipment will subsequently be handed to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, then forwarded to several medical establishments in Ukraine.

This new French shipment includes: an oxygen generator allowing a hospital to treat up to 500 patients using oxygen therapy; 50 sets of respiratory equipment and their consumables for the treatment of several hundred patients; a second batch of respiratory equipment provided by the voluntary organization Antadir, and their consumables provided by the company ResMed; a batch of 4.5 tonnes of medicines (emergency, general practice, paediatrics) enabling up to 500 seriously injured people to be treated, and a second batch of emergency medicines provided by several French hospitals (Nancy regional university hospital, Niort and Lozère hospitals and the René Dubois hospital in Pontoise, with logistical support from the Henri-Mondor university hospitals).

This special delivery includes a high-capacity generator to boost the electricity security of a Ukrainian health facility. Some of the donations were funded through contributions by local authorities and businesses paid into the Ministry's dedicated support funds.

The Etablissement français du sang [French blood agency] has also provided two lorries delivered by the Crisis and Support Centre in March to collect blood. They are currently being used in Ukraine for the benefit of sick and injured Ukrainians.

These operations, conducted under the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), testify to the solidarity of France and its hospitals, local authorities and businesses with the Ukrainian people.

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