Remarks by President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden in Phone Call with Al Roker During the Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade

Published: Thu Nov 25 2021

Via Teleconference

9:38 A.M. EDT

MR. ROKER: Wow! Oh, hold on. My phone is ringing. Just a sec- - oh, my gosh! Look at who is calling.

Hello? Hello, Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Al. How you doing, pal?

THE FIRST LADY: Happy Thanksgiving.

MR. ROKER: Oh, Dr. Biden and Mr. President, thank you so much. Happy Thanksgiving to you. How - how are you?

THE PRESIDENT: A New York firefighter!

MR. ROKER: (Laughs.) That's right. We had a New York firefighter here.


MR. ROKER: And it's so good - good for you calling. We thank you so much.

What's - what's your message to the American folks on this Thanksgiving Day?

THE PRESIDENT: My message is: After two years, you're back. America is back. There's nothing we're unable to overcome, Al.

And you're one of the reasons for that, pal. You're always up. You're always rooting.

MR. ROKER: Well, we appreciate it, Mr. President. Thank you so much. I hope you're going to continue to watch the parade. Santa is coming! Santa is coming -



MR. ROKER: - Mr. President! (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT: I'm waiting for Santa. (Laughter.)

MR. ROKER: All right. Well, listen, happy Thanksgiving to both of you, from our family to yours. Thank you, thank you, and happy Thanksgiving.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Wish we were there with you, Al.


THE PRESIDENT: Nice to see you, pal.

MR. ROKER: All right.

THE FIRST LADY: Happy Thanksgiving.

MR. ROKER: Thank you.

9:39 A.M. EDT

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