Burning on protected peatlands

From: Defra in the media
Published: Tue May 31 2022

There has been media coverage by the BBC, The Times, Daily Mail, The Telegraph & Yorkshire Post of allegations by RSPB and Greenpeace that burning has taken place on protected deep peatlands in contravention of Defra regulations.

Restoring England's peatlands is a priority for the government. It will help achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 as well as protecting our valuable habitats, and the biodiversity those habitats support.

A Defra spokesperson said:

We are investigating potential breaches of the heather and peat burning regulations and cannot comment further while investigations are ongoing.

"The Government and Natural England continue to work with landowners to promote sustainable upland management practices, backed up by a record funding to protect and restore England's iconic peat landscapes.

If you believe an illegal burn has taken place you can report it directly to Natural England's Enforcement Team by calling 0300 060 3900 or email enquiries@naturalengland.org.uk.

Natural England will assess the report against records of protected sites and environmental data and carry out site visits as required.

Company: Defra in the media

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