Spring Statement 2022: APMs response

From: Association for Project Management
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022

Skills development and training were among the points covered in Chancellor Rishi Sunak's Spring Statement, delivered to the House of Commons on Wednesday 23 March.

Reacting to the statement, Andrew Baldwin (pictured), Head of Public Affairs at Association for Project Management (APM), the chartered membership organisation for the project profession, recently said:

We welcome the Chancellor's announcements today, recognising the importance of skills development and training. We will wait to see the specifics, but know that much more needs to be done to support project management skills specifically.

Our research shows that 75% of project professionals feel there needs to be greater professionalisation of project skills in their sector and over a third feel the skills shortage faced by the profession has not improved over the past five years.

We also call on the government and business leaders to invest in developing not only their dedicated project specialists but also to professionalise the accidental project managers' who may not identify as project professionals but who are nevertheless delivering projects as part of their role. Systemic training for all will support more effective delivery of existing and future projects.

Official documents for the Spring Statement can be viewed here.

Company: Association for Project Management

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