Sellafield Project Management Apprentice Missy Tyson, 20, has gained near perfect, 97% score in her APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ) exam, placing her in the top ranking of candidate results.
Commenting on her achievement, Missy yesterday said: I was delighted with the results that I received for the APM PMQ examination. I had to re-read the email many times to ensure that I was reading it correctly, as I couldn't believe that I had achieved 97%. I have gained a comprehensive understanding of project management through this course, and the qualification will assist me in my future career development.
The exam formed part of Missy's integrated degree, which all Sellafield apprentices are aligned to.
Developing young talent at Sellafield Ltd is extremely important - not only does it support our work today, but it is central to achieving our purpose which is to create a clean and safe environment for future generations. Having highly trained individuals like Missy on our projects is vital for ensuring their success and maximising the value of taxpayers' money, said Project Management Apprentice Scheme Manager Andrew Vaughan.
Sellafield Ltd is responsible for cleaning-up the country's highest nuclear risks and hazards along with safeguarding nuclear fuel, materials and waste, making their work nationally important.
I am incredibly proud of Missy for her achievement and have every confidence she will go on to have an incredibly successful career in project management. As Sellafield Ltd is an APM accredited assessor, the Project Management Qualification is also an important first step for our young professionals on their journey towards becoming Chartered Project Professionals, Andrew Continued.
Sharing her advice on how to succeed in the APM Project Management Qualification, Missy said: In the PMQ course, I recommend that you draw on your own experiences or relate to real-world examples to help you grasp the content better and include these examples in your answers.
This helps to demonstrate your understanding to the examiners and can gain you more marks. As an apprentice, it is extremely beneficial speaking to and learning from the more experienced and qualified colleagues around me. Having the confidence to ask questions and to ask for help is crucial. My co-workers help and support me during my apprenticeship; therefore, I feel confident that I will finish my degree and other qualifications.
Responding to Missy's success, Rebecca Fox, APM's Director of Membership and Business Development said: This is a brilliant result and Missy should be very proud of her achievement. It's exciting to see the world-class calibre of our next generation of project professionals who are just entering the profession and is a sure sign that our future projects will be in safe hands.
Sellafield, who recently gained their 6th win at the APM Awards, place learning and development at the heart of their training, working closely with APM to ensure their project managers have the skills they need to thrive.
All Sellafield Ltd apprentices are aligned to the Level 6 Project Manager (integrated degree) standard that Sellafield Ltd helped to develop alongside APM and other employers. A core requirement of this standard is the APM Project Management Qualification, which the apprentices typically complete after their first 12 months in industry.
This qualification helps us to embed the fundamental knowledge of project delivery at an early stage, and to contextualise the real world experience our apprentices are gaining in the workplace, said Andrew.